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Najihah binti Rani

Class of 2015
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

I am a graduate of the Diploma in E-Secretaryship programme of Cosmopoint College. The subjects taught in this programme is related to the real working world. Skills and knowledge that were taught by the lecturers helped me a lot in doing the tasks as an Administration Assistant at Tetuan Ghazali Ismail & Co. A Law Firm at Dungun, Terengganu.”


Nurul Amira binti Razek

Class of 2015
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“I am an ex-student of the Diploma in E-Secretaryship programme at Cosmopoint College. What I got during my studies are knowledge from experienced and highly qualified lecturers. Besides, there was a lot of facilities provided that eased my work. With the Diploma that I got, I managed to secure a job as a Personal Assistant to the Manager of Grand Puteri Hotel, Kuala Terengganu.”


Nor Hasma Rabialtul Akmar Bt Mamat

Class of 2006
Diploma in E-Business

“Cosmopoint College taught me many things. I was so happy in college because I met so many friends that I could click with and share my experiences.”


Faten Mazlan

Class of 2006
Diploma in E-Business

“With the Diploma in E-Business that I earned at Cosmopoint College, I had proved that despite getting lower grades in SPM, I still succeeded at an IPTS and not an IPTA. The effective teaching approach provided to me and my friends allowed us to successfully get a diploma. Thank you Cosmopoint!


Juliawani Mat Jusoh

Class of 2012
Diploma in Business Management

“I was at this College for about 3 years and I learned so many things and gained many experiences.  Beside that, the lecturers are so kind and sporting because whenever the students got any problems they will help us even when they were very busy. The learning process was very systematic and most of the graduated students secured jobs easily.”


Sharifah Noor Ajeerah Bt Osman

Class of 2015
Diploma in Information Technology

My learning process at Cosmopoint College really helped me in my work now. Thank you to all the lecturers who helped me until I reached this level now.”


Priya Arumugam

Class of 2014
Diploma in Information Technology

“Studying at Cosmopoint College was an unforgettable experience. The best part of this college is the lecturers that I am very thankful to have come across. Each and every one of them is dedicated in making sure their students excel. (Dedicated to Miss Haizie)”


Ahmad Syahmi Nordin

Class of 2010
Diploma in Multimedia Application

“The Cosmopoint College program prepared me well for my current position.  The only thing that surprised me was how quickly I found a job.”


Mohd Hazizi bin Abdullah

Class of 2010
Diploma in Multimedia Application

“To be honest, I was very shy and less socializing, but thanks to Allah when I attended the class at Cosmopoint College, I created new friends and built new experiences by sharing the ideas.”


Mohd Afendi Md Nazili

Class of 2012
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“Here I learnt to develop myself to be a better person”


Nabila Daud

Class of 2010
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“Cosmopoint College had given me a lot of experience and knowledge. The lecturers taught me the things that I did not know before, which I can now use in my working life.”


Fatin Syazwanie Bt Zaman @ Kamaruzaman

Class of 2014
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“The education I received at Cosmopoint College Seremban has helped me a lot, provided me with valuable information for my future career.”

Norhasnani Bt Atan

Class of 2014
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“The learning atmosphere at CC Seremban is stimulating. The classes and the plenary lecturers were fabulous”


Muhammad Nur Aziq bin Md Sham

Class of 2015
Diploma in Business Management

“Here at Cosmopoint College Seremban, there are many avenues for one to grow and excel.  I had good and experienced lecturers with whom I shared a lot of enjoyment and knowledge”


Ahmad Syakirin bin Ahmad Suhaimi

Class of 2015
Diploma in Multimedia Application

For me, the lecturers and the environment will give an impact to the students.  Cosmopoint Seremban has a great learning environment and a well-organized scheduled.  I am very satisfied with the lecturers’ services.  I am also very comfortable and proud to be learning here.


Nur Erna Natasha bt Mohd Kamal

Class of 2015
Diploma in Multimedia Application

Cosmopoint College is a college that has many quality lecturers.  It also gives the students a comfortable space to study.  Other than that, Cosmopoint College helps the students to develop and increase their skills.


Muhammad Azman bin Abdul Aizi

Class of 2012
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

I never truly expected to do as well as I did, but I put in the work for it. This just goes to show that my hard work really helped me to do as well as I can because my lecturers were willing to help me to improve provided that I put the effort by myself as well.”


Muhammad Razin bin Ramli

Class of 2012
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

From my years in this college, the people and the surrounding have been the best.  I have made great friends plus with the teaching system here, the lecturers have given a lot of support to us.


Firdaus Rahman

Class of 2012
Diploma in Multimedia Application

Apa yang saya belajar seiring dengan alam pekerjaan saya, ia memudahkan saya  untuk memenuhi kehendak organisasi


Muhammad Taufik Che Din

Class of 2012
Diploma in Multimedia Application

Lecturers have taught me about the true value and meaning of art.”


Shazril Izwan Adil

Class of 2013
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“The most interesting project was the Packaging class – turned out to be one of the best projects that I have created.”


Ameerul Ilham Tajuddin

Class of 2014
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

Most treasured experience was the opportunity to learn from a highly experienced lecturer and teaching approach – combination between conventional and digital method”


Saltinie Ramli

Class of 2014
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“Cosmopoint has exposed us to innovative programmes which emphasizes on real-life applications taught by highly-qualified and experienced lecturers”.

Sharizatul Shema Hashim

Class of 2014
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

Cosmopoint taught me how to deal with pressure.  I received the tools and training necessary to be able to fully understand the role of a secretary”.


Husniyah Marlikan

Class of 2012
Diploma in E-Business

“Our lecturers contribute and expand our understanding of firms’ behaviors and needs.”


Fatihah Ali

Class of 2011
Diploma in E-Business

“I  found that Cosmopoint College has an experienced student community where students work part-time and enroll full-time. ”


Muhamad  Azrul Nizan

Class of 2013
Diploma in Information Technology

Cosmopoint  exposed me on how to use IT to meet business needs.”


Nur Azam Roslan

Class of 2011
Diploma in Information Technology

Cosmopoint College taught me the importance of information and essential concepts  of IT.”


Lim Lay Wei

Class of 2014
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

I have learnt lesson in my programme from many fields like IT and Multimedia with great lecturers. To work in a team and communicate well in the classes and the presentation helped me to prepare myself for the future


Nur Ameera Abd Hamid

Class of 2015
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“Having experienced life at with Cosmopoint College is great and interesting.  Good environment.  Staff and lecturers are friendly, kind, and tolerent.  There were a lot things that I learnt, such as Keyboarding skills, personality, and behavior.  Then, they always motivate the students to do our best in our life”.


Mohd Syafiq Johar

Class of 2009
Diploma in Multimedia Application

Saya telah didedahkan kepada dunia sebenar pekerjaan ketika saya diberikan tugasan untuk projek projek saya.


Pow Lai Xiang

Class of 2011
Diploma in Multimedia Application

Cosmopoint College has taught me a lot of valuable lessons which enabled me to perform well in the real world.”


Alvin Goh

Class of 2010
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“Lecturers in Department of Multimedia are highly knowledgeable and are always willing to share their experiences with students”


Christine Soh

Class of 2014
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“The most interesting project was for the Computer Application Art & Design subject which turned out to be one of the best projects that I have created.”

Ridwan Saba

Class of 2011
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

Sepanjang belajar di Cosmopoint Melaka, saya banyak mendapat pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang memberi kesan positif kepada saya selepas tamat belajar.


Pratap K Surendrakumaran

Class of 2014
Diploma in Information Technology

“Thank you for keeping me motivated!”


Mugeleswaran Pillay A/L Govindran

Class of 2010
Diploma in Information Technology

Cosmopoint College is the best college in my life.”


Muhammad Helmi bin Abdul Aziz

Class of 2012
Diploma in Information Technology

Cosmopoint equipped me with both the theory and practical aspect which was really emphasized by the lecturers.  It also taught me to be independent.”


Ratnawati Binti Abu Bakar

Class of 2011
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“At Cosmopoint College Kuantan, I was able to get the knowledge and skills that a secretary needs. The lecturers always gives the tips on how to do documentation in a short time and how important interpersonal skills is in an office”


Nurul Farhan Hadzri

Class of 2011
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

Cosmopoint College Kuantan offers a very comfortable environment for us and the lecturers. Staff are very helpful. I will never forget every moment of my student life.”


Shizen Wee

Class of 2013
Diploma in E-Business

Cosmopoint College Kuantan is the place that taught me several key elements and skills that I could apply in my family business.


Sazreen Pamela

Class of 2011
Diploma in E-Business

Cosmopoint College Kuantan is my first step in this exciting business world.”


Murni Binti Wong King

Class of 2013
Diploma in Information Technology

Cosmopoint College Kuantan shaped me to become who I am today, and provided a bridge for me to reach the sky”


Muhamad Rusdan Bin Mohd Razali

Class of 2010
Diploma in Information Technology

Cosmopoint College Kuantan acted as a starter in my life, to engage with the excitement of the IT industry.”


Huzaime Wahid

Class of 2012
Diploma in Multimedia Application

Kerana minat yang mendalam, saya mengambil kursus Aplikasi Multimedia di Kolej Cosmopoint Kuantan dan Alhamdulillah, ilmu yang diperolehi membuatkan saya sangat meminati dan lebih menghargai seni.”


Mohammad Shazreen Arif,

Class of 2009
Diploma in Multimedia Application

“I love the environment in Cosmopoint College Kuantan as the environment did not pressure the students and all lecturers were helpful and friendly. I learnt so many things and now I have my own business”


Abdul Hakim Ahmad

Class of 2008
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

Saya merasa berbaloi mengambil Diploma in Graphic Design di Kolej Cosmopoint Kuantan kerana  dengan teknik yang saya ada, saya diberi peluang menjadi salah seorang photographer di Istana.”


Zulhilmi Zainuddin

Class of 2015
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“Alhamdulillah, I got  many new exposures while studying in Cosmopoint College Kuantan and all these knowledge helped me to improve my business.”


Marleyanna Maseli

Class of 2010
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“The most important things that I gained during the 3 years of my study was at Cosmopoint College. It helped me to become more  competent and a high-caliber secretary in  managing my work now.”

Jessy James

Class of 2008
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“All of the lecturers have the quality to teach the subject given. The most interesting course was the Industrial Training  because it  trained me to be prepared in real working environment and helped me to gain my confidence.”


Sumiah Suhalailah Binti Yusof

Class of 2009
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“We were exposed to innovative programmes which emphasized on real-life applications taught by highly-qualified and experienced lecturers.”


Wilhelminah Binti Mabin

Class of 2010
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“I gained lots of experiences from Industrial training as the practical work environment provides exposure to students before entering the real working environment.”

Addy Boye Medil

Class of 2014
Diploma in Business Management

“ I experienced the real world training approach in Cosmopoint College.“


Vanessa Sandra Ronnie

Class of 2015
Diploma in Business Management

“Action is the key foundation to success. If you can dream it, you can do it. I’’m building my own dream starting with Cosmopoint College.”


Karthi A/P Chandra Segaran

Class of 2014
Diploma in Information Technology

“Cosmopoint College shaped me to what I am today – to be independent and see the bigger picture on what life has to offer.”


Farouk bin Gulam

Class of 2014
Diploma in Information Technology

Cosmopoint College KK taught me the values to be excellent and adapt to any environment.”


Lydia Chua

Class of 2009
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“Better late than to never learn new things.“

Aaron Yong

Class of 2010
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

One of my favourite subject is digital compositing because I’ve made the greatest video green screen that I never expected I can do this far.

Nur Julizan Bin Juamat

Class of 2011
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

Praktik dan praktis segala yang dipelajari mampu membantu
mencapai sasaran pekerjaan yang tepat.


Hamirul Kassim

Class of 2012
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“Most interesting in the graphic design courses is using the digital software to make a design.”


Class of 2012

Current position: Graphic Designer at KK Budget Printing

Wennylin Mapangking

Class of 2010
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

Dengan kemudahan dan kemahiran tenaga pengajar yg ada, saya dapat menguasai Senireka Grafik Berkomputer dengan baik, setaraf dalam keperluan industri.”


Suriani binti Suhaime

Class of 2014
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“The most valuable lessons was being with friends doing assignments as well as being guided by our beloved lecturers who have very wide experiences.  All of them, teach students to be independent and equipped with practical based skills to enter the working world.”

Nor Aziana Bt Ibrahim

Class of 2015
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“The whole thing, especially lecturers, who always support me to always focus while studying and this college is also complete with the facilities like library, wifi zone and computer labs.”

Jeyasharmini  Jeyachandran

Class of 2015
Diploma in Business Management

“I am very glad that I have chosen to study here. This college is like a big family. All the lecturers have given me great pointers to study and valuable knowledge for my future.”


Muhammad Ziyad Bin Md Ali 

Class of 2015
Diploma in Business Management

“What I think about Cosmopoint College Johor Bahru is that the classroom is conducive for studying and the college is accessible by using public transport”


Wong Rui Yi

Class of 2014
Diploma in Information Technology

I enjoy studying at Cosmopoint College Johor Bahru because all lecturers give full attention to their students. The course syllabus also meet MQA requirement. I will encourage my friends to join Cosmopoint College Johor Bahru.”

Muhammad Syahidan b Md Ezam

Class of 2015
Diploma in Information Technology

In my opinion, Cosmopoint College Seremban is the best college for me.  Apart from interactive lessons conducted in class, Cosmopoint College Seremban also providing interested external activity such as sports and collaboration with other agencies. Let’s be a part of Cosmopoint College Seremban team.

Syed Muhammad

Class of 2014
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“Nothing ‘worth having’ comes easy,
so when you failed, worry less, don’t
regret, just learn and grow.”

Azmil Bin Sariman

Class of 2014
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“I love challenges, it will make me
improve myself in terms of knowledge and skills”

Dashniedass ap Jayacevanagendra

Class of 2014
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

“At Cosmopoint, we were exposed to innovative subjects which emphasized on real-life applications taught by qualified and experienced lecturers.”


Farah Diana Binti Rohiman

Class of 2015
Diploma in E-Secretaryship

Cosmopoint College is a very good college and has good facilities including hostel, bus and labs – all of which are very helpful for students.”


Puteri Noor Sakira Suzili

Class of 2014
Diploma in Accounting

“It is the lecturers that make weak students good and the good students even better.”


Foo Huei  Nee

Class of 2015
Diploma in Accounting

Cosmopoint College have experienced lecturers.”


Chew Mun Wei

Class of 2014
Diploma in E-Business

Cosmopoint College makes it easier for me to learn and inculcate the spirit to stand out among the talented and hard working students.”


Sanjeev Singh al Rajinder Singh

Class of 2014
Diploma in E-Business

Cosmopoint College encouraged me to perform better in many areas of interest and taught me to communicate better with people around me.”


Cheong Wai San

Class of 2015
Diploma in Business Management

“It is a never-ending learning journey for me and Cosmopoint College provided the learning platform through classroom training.”


Chooi Kah Mun

Class of 2015
Diploma in Business Management

Cosmopoint College taught me to be independent and self-motivating.”


Lee Zheng Chuan

Class of 2014
Diploma in Information Technology

Cosmopoint College taught me to be organized in everything that I do.”

Khairil Anwar Rustam

Class of 2014
Diploma in Information Technology

Cosmopoint College equipped me with both the theory and practical aspects. This was really emphasized by the lecturers.”


Zurimmi Affan Arshad

Class of 2014
Diploma in Multimedia Application

Keselesaan pembelajaran di makmal dan pensyarah yang berpengalaman membuatkan semua perkara menjadi mudah.


Wong Jun Hao

Class of 2014
Diploma in Multimedia Application

“Most interesting subject was Digital Effect and Compositing.


Gabrina Rachel Gabirel

Class of 2013
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“Most interesting project was the 3D animation class.”


Arfaez Abdul Rahman

Class of 2013
Diploma in Computer Graphic Design

“Most treasured experience was the opportunity to learn from highly experienced lecturers.”